What car did James Bond drive?

Renault 11 Taxi

Renault 11 Taxi, 1983

  • Manufacturer: Renault
  • Model: 11 (phase 2)
  • Variant: TXE
  • Years manufactured: 1981-1989
  • Type: hatchback
  • Origin: France

The Renault 11 is the hatchback version of the Renault 9.

A View To A Kill


In A View To A Kill, while on assignment in Paris, France, James Bond commandeers a Renault 11 taxi to chase assassin May Day


During the car chase, Bond drives the Renault 11 Taxi through a road-barrier, which chops the roof off the car, but Bond keeps driving


The Renault 11 taxi is hit from the side by another vehicle which chops off the back half of the Renault, but Bond keeps driving


Early scenes in A View To A Kill are set and were filmed on location in Paris, France, including the famous car chase featuring a Renault 11 Parisian taxi with French registration plate 359 ETD 75.

The cars used in filming were 1983 Renault 11s. In some shots the car can be seen to have TXE badges (and seat designs assocaited with that variant), while in other shots badging is not present and the driver's seat is of a different design; which supports the view that probably three of these vehicles were used in production of the movie.
