What car did James Bond drive?

Morris Mini Moke

Morris Mini Moke, 1972

  • Manufacturer: British Leyland
  • Model: Morris Mini Moke
  • Variant: Australian build
  • Years manufactured: 1964-1993
  • Type: buggy
  • Origin: UK

Identified as Australian variant by 13" wheels and wider wheel arches.

Live And Let Die


In Live And Let Die, James Bond drives a rented Mini Moke down to the wharf on the Caribbean island of San Monique


Bond has CIA agent Rosie Carver with him in the Mini Moke



Much of Live And Let Die is set on the fictitious island-country of San Monique in the Caribbean; these scenes were filmed at various locations in Jamaica, including those where Bond is briefly seen driving a right-hand drive Morris Mini Moke. The car used in these scenes was an Australian-built version of the Moke, distinguishable by the 13" wheels and wider wheel arches.

Live And Let Die was filmed, in October 1972 through to March 1973, so this Mini Moke was pre-1972. As it plays only a minor role it is likely that the movie production company sourced the vehicle locally in Jamaica. 
